For the first time, at Gorlice Ambient Festival, we presented to a wider audience our stereo system, which was build thanks to the cooperation of several companies associated in the Cluster.

Gorlice is a home town for Audiomica Laboratory, the manufacturer of audio cables. The company offers six series of cables for all applications: power cords, interconnects (RCA and XLR), speaker and phono cables as well as digital ones. This edition of Gorlice Ambient Festival was the 18th. Visually and sonically coherent system created by four companies doesn’t have a name yet; however, it looks and sounds perfectly. Pre-Audio delivered a tangential turntable, which possesses a tangential arm mounted on an air pillow. Encore Seven delivered their Egg-Shell amplifiers: phono pre-amp and an integrated amplifier, whilst Bodnar Audio provided speakers based on a full-range speaker. The whole is finished with walnut wood.

During the two days of the festival, 8th and 9th July 2016, it was possible to buy records and listen to them on the show system. The system will also be presented at Warsaw Audio Video Show 2016. Please feel invited!



